Friday 25 May 2007

GCSE Coursework - Extension work

Extension work needs to be included by all students. It should build on the main body of your coursework by pursuing ideas a bit further and making comparisons between different settlements. Listed below are a few ideas for your extension work:

What are the possibilities for further development of Kernick Industrial estate and the surrounding area. For example, could development occur on the surrounding agricultural land? Are there any plans for development?

Data collection could include:

  1. Interviews and questionnaires at ASDA or B&Q
  2. Questions and interviews with the town council (Penryn Town Council - 01326 373086), or contact George Collinge, the Community Development Officer at Carrick District Council - 01872 224541 -
  3. Land Survey of the area

What are the possibilties for further development of the CBD. This could involve investigating possible development opportunities, eg brown-field sites, or finding out whether there are already plans for development in the CBD.

Data collection could include:

  1. Contacting the Town Council or Carrick District council using the above contact details.
  2. Land surveys of the area.
  3. Asking local businesses if there are any plans or if they have any plans for development.

Make comparisons with another settlment. Record housing type along a transect in a similar town, such as Falmouth. This needs to only be one transect running from the CBD to the outskirts. This data can then be compared with Penryn and with the Concentric land use model in order to make comparisons.

Take photos around Penryn and your comparison settlement for use in your data presentation. These can be located on maps and annotated.

GCSE Coursework - Useful websites

Click on the links below to navigate to some helpful websites.
A good website describing the origins of Penryn, its past uses and some of the more recent developments.
Has maps of all different scales to use in your introduction when locating Penryn. Maps can be copy and pastedas long as you keep the Copyright logo on them.
You all have access to this, see the relevant post to learn how to use it. There are lots of photos here showing transects across Penryn.
An overview of Carrick District councils plans for the development of Penryn and Falmouth.

Monday 21 May 2007

GCSE Coursework - Instructions for access to Penryn Urban Transect on InfoMapper

All year 10 GCSE students now have access to InfoMapper,

If you want to access InfoMapper to look at the photo transects of Penryn, please follow these instructions:

1) Log on to Infomapper. Your Username is 'firstname.lastname@pencol' and your password is 'geography'. (any problems see Mr Rees in room 44)

2) Click on 'View Maps' at the top left of the screen.

3) Select the end right icon in the 'Tool Bar' with the question mark '?' on it (turn on layers).

4) This will load a pop-up screen from which you should select 'Published Layers'

5) Select 'All Infomapper Users'

6) Select 'Subject'

7) Select 'Geography'

8) Select 'Settlement'

9) Select 'Urban Settlements'

10) Select the layer named 'Penryn Urban Model'. Then click close at the top right.

11) If you now zoom in on the area with red crosses these illustrate the transects across Penryn.

12) In the Tool box, click on the symbol 'i' (fourth from the end)

13) Then with the cursor, click on each of the red crosses in turn to see North, East, South and West photos of Penryn from each of the locations.

GCSE Coursework Documents

Click on the link below to access information about how to write your GCSE geography coursework

Tuesday 8 May 2007

GCSE Coursework maps and photos

3D map of Penryn

Aerial Photo of Penryn

Plan of Penryn

Year 8 trip to Plymouth

On the 2nd of May, 25 year 8 geographers went to Plymouth to take part in the Euroceans climate change project. The day involved a morning looking round the aquarium, with an educational talk from an aquarium scientist.

The afternoon was spent making films, containing our views on climate change and it's impact on our seas. The focus of these films was on the effect of the Gulf Stream shutting down the impact this will have on our lives.

We will recieve the edited films in the department within the next month. These are hoped to provide a very usefull teaching tool.