Friday 25 May 2007

GCSE Coursework - Extension work

Extension work needs to be included by all students. It should build on the main body of your coursework by pursuing ideas a bit further and making comparisons between different settlements. Listed below are a few ideas for your extension work:

What are the possibilities for further development of Kernick Industrial estate and the surrounding area. For example, could development occur on the surrounding agricultural land? Are there any plans for development?

Data collection could include:

  1. Interviews and questionnaires at ASDA or B&Q
  2. Questions and interviews with the town council (Penryn Town Council - 01326 373086), or contact George Collinge, the Community Development Officer at Carrick District Council - 01872 224541 -
  3. Land Survey of the area

What are the possibilties for further development of the CBD. This could involve investigating possible development opportunities, eg brown-field sites, or finding out whether there are already plans for development in the CBD.

Data collection could include:

  1. Contacting the Town Council or Carrick District council using the above contact details.
  2. Land surveys of the area.
  3. Asking local businesses if there are any plans or if they have any plans for development.

Make comparisons with another settlment. Record housing type along a transect in a similar town, such as Falmouth. This needs to only be one transect running from the CBD to the outskirts. This data can then be compared with Penryn and with the Concentric land use model in order to make comparisons.

Take photos around Penryn and your comparison settlement for use in your data presentation. These can be located on maps and annotated.