Monday 21 May 2007

GCSE Coursework - Instructions for access to Penryn Urban Transect on InfoMapper

All year 10 GCSE students now have access to InfoMapper,

If you want to access InfoMapper to look at the photo transects of Penryn, please follow these instructions:

1) Log on to Infomapper. Your Username is 'firstname.lastname@pencol' and your password is 'geography'. (any problems see Mr Rees in room 44)

2) Click on 'View Maps' at the top left of the screen.

3) Select the end right icon in the 'Tool Bar' with the question mark '?' on it (turn on layers).

4) This will load a pop-up screen from which you should select 'Published Layers'

5) Select 'All Infomapper Users'

6) Select 'Subject'

7) Select 'Geography'

8) Select 'Settlement'

9) Select 'Urban Settlements'

10) Select the layer named 'Penryn Urban Model'. Then click close at the top right.

11) If you now zoom in on the area with red crosses these illustrate the transects across Penryn.

12) In the Tool box, click on the symbol 'i' (fourth from the end)

13) Then with the cursor, click on each of the red crosses in turn to see North, East, South and West photos of Penryn from each of the locations.